In many ways the relationship between science and religion can be determined by how the members of a particular religion view scripture. And as might be expected, within Hinduism, there are conservative Hindu views, modern liberal views and everything in between. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Arts & Sciences
I was recently invited for a private tour of NASA’s JPL site in La Cañada. I had done a family wedding for someone who worked there, so I had been offered a tour, and to my utter delight I was … Continue reading
August 6, 2012 Riverside CA Last evening I stayed up and watched the rover, Curiosity, land on Mars. It was a spectacular feat of engineering to land this 1000 pound vehicle on a planet hundreds of thousands of kilometers away … Continue reading
4/28/11 Dear Radhika, A university education should never be wasted on a job. When I heard that you had been selected for Berkeley and that you had elected to attend this school, I was delighted. Berkeley is a top school, … Continue reading
Wednesday, July 21, 2004 8:03:50 AM Let me tell you about the inner working of astrology. It is true, like you noted, that astrology and religion are separate things in Christianity, but in Hinduism religion and astrology are still part … Continue reading
There are places in this world that I call “mythological zones,” and by this, I mean places where the natural beauty of the land is so compelling and so overpowering that it opens pathways in my mind to an altered … Continue reading
When I want to write something I sit down and try to think about what to write. At first the process is slow and hard and mechanical, but there comes a point when I enter into a state of heightened … Continue reading
“Writing, I think, is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living. The writer experiences everything twice. Once in reality and once in that mirror which waits always before or behind.” * In a work outlining the … Continue reading
“Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty?”* I went to the Musee D’Orsey in Paris to see my Manet, Monet and Renoir and the rest of the Impressionists I have been studying for … Continue reading
A painting is good not because it looks like something, but because it feels like something.* Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.** These days I … Continue reading