In many ways the relationship between science and religion can be determined by how the members of a particular religion view scripture. And as might be expected, within Hinduism, there are conservative Hindu views, modern liberal views and everything in between. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Hinduism
Snapshot by snapshot I am laying a foundation of understanding. Before you can comprehend the specifics of my life at this stage you need to know the philosophical and theological context of my life. So we discussed maya; I now … Continue reading
There was a time when if I looked up into the sky and saw the beauty of the sunset I told myself, “No don’t look. It is maya.” If is saw a beautiful moon rise, it was maya. If I … Continue reading
As you know Hinduism teaches that each of us has lived for many lifetimes. This, of course, is the cycle of birth and death, and the process of moving from one lifetime to the next is called reincarnation. This you … Continue reading
I personally find all this discussion about pravriti and nirvriti to be boring and so I am eager to get on with the specifics of my story. However, without some understanding of the rationale behind asceticism and renunciation you may … Continue reading
I have told you many negative things about Krishna Consciousness and I am sorry to say there is more to come. So you may wonder why I would stay so many years. But Krishna Consciousness has another side, an extremely … Continue reading
In the matter of aesthetics, rasa theory, Sanskrit has a precise vocabulary. The various “tastes” have been analyzed and named in great detail. Sometimes the word rasa is translated as mellow or mood, but I will primarily translate the word as taste. The taste … Continue reading
Dear Punam, Thank you very much for the wonderful japa mala set that you and your family purchased for me in New Zealand. I consider this a rare and wonderful gift. I am honored. Let me take this opportunity to write my … Continue reading
Or is it the same faith under another mask?* Hinduism is perhaps the oldest living religion. In fact, the origins of Hinduism can be traced back to at least 2500 BCE and today there are close to a billion followers. … Continue reading
“In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. They are destined sooner or later to become the faith of the people.”* In Hinduism there a most important set of sacred … Continue reading